Boron Doped Diamond Electrode & Application of electro oxidation process for On-site treating real complex wastewater

Welcome To The Journey Of Exploring Incomparable Effect of Treatment of Wastewater Through Electro Oxidation With Boron Doped Diamond Electrode As The Basic Component!


Boron Doped Diamond Electrode Electrolysis & Electro Oxidation Treatment of Wastewater

Explore the mechanisms and pathways how boron doped diamond electrode managed to mineralize reclatriant organic pollutants during the wastewater electrolysis processes in electrochemical oxidation wastewater treatment processes (EAOPs).

Schematic diagram of electrocatalytic oxidation technology via boron doped diamond bdd electrode


Anode material

Boron doped diamond electrode has the widest potential window, way lower background current, stability & biocompatibility, optimized boron doped diamond elelctrode could expedite direct and indirect oxidation of reclatriant organic pollutant.



Unlike regular electrodes with shorter lifespan, boron doped diamond electrode is highly stable, resistant to acid and alkali electrolytes, less chance of fouling, bulk generation of oxidants such as hydroxyl radicals, with a higher oxidation capability in the organic pollutant removal processes.



Unlike regular advanced oxidation processes, the electrochemical advanced oxidation via the boron doped diamond electrode does not require addition of toxic chemicals, most types of organic pollutants and their intermediates could be oxidized into inorganic carbons and water.

Click the button to find more about mechanisms that how boron doped diamond electrode stacks managed to remove those refractory pollutants & applications in treating real wastewater.

About Boromond

boron doped diamond electrode manufacturer

Boromond is specializes in providing innovative, sustainable electro oxidation wastewater treatment technologies. 

Boromond is one of the major manufacturers and suppliers of high performance boron doped diamond electrode optimized for both electrochemical and industrial applications, electro oxidation wastewater products and a leading supplier of wastewater treatment solutions toward complex wastewater. 

Boron doped diamond electrode manufacturing and customization.

Design & development of inovative electro oxidation wastewater treatment products. 

Comprehensive, precise and efficient electro oxidation wastewater treatment services, customized solutions and professional technical support for those businesses and industries seeking sustainable and effective, alternative wastewater treatment methods.

Explore more details about the service ranges and solutions we supply:

Boron doped diamond electrode manufacturing

Explore electrochemical applications of premium quality boron doped diamond electrode, and how advanced chemical vapor deposition processes and further optimization enhance the performance of BDD electrode.

Unmatched customization and stellar service.

Elevate your experiments, conduct treatability testing over your wastewater with our unique trial scale electro oxidation wastewater treatment products, and what is more, we offer electro oxidation wastewater treatment customization and service.

Free waterprofile analysis

Conduct an analysis over your water profile to check treatability and estimated treatment results, get suggestions from our wastewater treatment experts, free of charge.

Pinpoint suitable solution for success.

Employing optioneering electro oxidation wastewater treatment techniques to transform your wastewater treatment needs into unparalleled success with the most suitable solution.

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Why Boromond? Way Beyond A Boron Doped Diamond Electrode Manufacturer

Join Boromond team to unleashing the full capacities and potential of electrochemical oxidation technology in your wastewater treatment implements with our premium quality boron doped diamond electrodes, inventive electro oxidation wastewater treatment products, comprehensive service ranges from cutomized design and developing, deploying and routine operation, with our dedicated wastewater treatment experts and technical support team.

High-Quality Boron Doped Diamond Electrode

Advanced chemical vapor deposition diamond growth processes ensures stability, electrochemical properties, and performance of boron doped diamond BDD electrode, with years of testing and verfications, we managed to fabricate high quality BDD electrode with large surface area, optimal surface orientation, boron doping level and surface termination, to expedite electrochemical generation of reactive oxygen species, therefore emit better performance in treatment of complex wastewater with various reclatriant organic pollutants from various businesses and industries.

Innovative Electro Oxidation Wastewater Treatment Products

Boromond is one of the few manufacturers who can supply full scale electro oxidation wastewater treatment products ranges from trial scale electrochemical cells/reactors for treatability evaluation, electro oxidation electrolyzers for bench scale testing, pre-engineered electro oxidation modular units and pilot scale electro oxidation wastewater treatment systems for application of electro oxidation at commercial level, and what is more, we offer customization of electro oxidation wastewater products base on geo location, wastewater types, industry and business types, target pollutant types and etc, aimed to meet your needs.

Turnkey Electro Oxidation Wastewater Treatment Solution

Boromond developed standardized electrode stacks, electro oxidation modules, can be easily assembled, ready for deploying and operating. And we provide design tailored to specific wastewater volume and concentration levels, to employing electro oxidation as tertiary treatment, pretreatment, or other purposes if needed. We handles all aspects of designing, prototyping, testing, installation, piping, electrical wiring, and system startup, to ensure proper efficacy. and then routine maintenance and technical support to optimize performance.

Initialize A Discussion With Boromond Team To Explore How We Can Help To Tackle Challenges From Your Wastewater

Meet Customers Ordered Boron Dopd Diamond Electrode And Electro Oixdation Wastewater Treatment Products From Us

Boromond supply boron doped diamond electrode and electro oxidation wastewater treatment products to well known research institutes and universities, and practical electro oxidation wastewater treatment solutions and service to environment services, companies and businesses offer wastewater treatment and management consulting and relevant engineering services. Our goals are to accomplish complete removal of reclatriant organic pollutants, or improve biodegrability of wastewater for further treatment, deployment of electro oxidation wastewater treatment products into existing treatment system to enhance comprehensive treatment efficiency, and meet local environmental regulation compliances, and ensure sustainable wastewater management practices.

Explore Boron Doped Diamond Electrode And Electro Oxidation Wastewater Treatment Products

We optimize electrochemical properties of boron doped diamond electrodes by adjusting surface termination, and surface orientation, boron doping level during the synthesis, growth and post-growth processes, optimal boron-doped diamond electrode is designed to treat complex wastewater with refractory organic compounds from a vast variety of industries and businesses, by leveraging advanced oxidation wastewater treatment products with boron-doped diamond electrode as their core components. 

Which Kind Of Wastewater Could Be Treated By Boron Doped Diamond Electrodes, Electro Oxidation Wastewater Treatment Product, And Full Scale Electro Oxdation Wastewater Treatment Solution?

Explore types and ranges of wastewater could be treated via boron-doped diamond electrodes, electro oxidation wastewater treatment products and our electro oxidation wastewater treatment solutions, according to the degradation and analysis of different types of water quality from our integrated laboratory, bench scale testing and pilot level application with different wastewater treatment plants, whether your aim is to reduce toxicity, improving biodegradeability of your water for further treatment, or direct treatment to meet local compliances. 

Applicable to all kinds of wastewater with strong acid with pH value approaching 0 or strong alkali electrolyte (except fluoride ion)

The higher the salt content, the higher the conductivity and the lower the energy consumption

High concentration + high salinity wastewater (concentrate after membrane, concentrate after MVR)

Toxic wastewater containing CN-, NaN3, organophosphorus, organic sulfur, etc

All types of water defined as hazardous waste

The national discharge standard/end water production improvement is not stable for final stabilization and standard treatment.

Which Kind Of Organic Pollutants Could Be Mineralized By Boron Doped Diamond Electrodes And Electro Oxidation Wastewater Treatment Products?

Continuous degradation of organic pollutants under conventional regular temperature and pressure conditions, without additions of extra chemicals, relying solely on electricity with minimal material usage. Check charts below to explore results and data with organic compounds removal efficiency testing with our boron doped diamond electrode and electro oxidation wastewater treatment products from previous experimental test, treatability evaluations, and projects:

Phenols and their derivatives, such as phenol, mainly come from petrochemical enterprises
Phenols and their derivatives, including phenol itself, primarily originate from petrochemical enterprises.
Pharmaceutical intermediates, such as 17β-estradiol, are mainly from pharmaceutical and chemical enterprises
17β-estradiol, a typical active pharmaceutical intermediates, primarily sourced from pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Dyes and pigments, such as methyl orange, come mainly from printing and dyeing factories
Dyes and pigments, such as methyl orange, come mainly from printing and dyeing factories
Herbicides and insecticides, such as chlorsulfuron, come mainly from pesticide manufacturers
Herbicides and insecticides, such as chlorsulfuron, come mainly from pesticide manufacturers
Surfactants, such as wash water, etc
COD removal rate over time, experimental and bench testing with special chemical enterprises
Landhill leachate
COD removal from Landhill leachate

Free Industrial Wastewater Consultation From Wastewater Treatment Experts

At the forefront of water treatment technology, Boromond's industrial water treatment solutions harness proprietary electrochemical oxidation techniques based on application of boron doped diamond electrode (bdd electrode). Our commitment extends to delivering resilient and highly efficient solutions for the removal of organic contaminants from water sources. Whether it's tackling perilous micropollutants such as APIs and pesticides, or addressing the persistent COD (chemical oxygen demand) and troublesome coloration, we've got you covered.

Unprecedented reduction of persistent organic chemicals to trace levels
Eliminates the need for chemical dosage to ensure effective operation
User-friendly operation with zero moving components—power on and off as needed

Discuss applications of electrochemical oxidation technology and boron doped diamond electrodes with our experts, and we offer water profile analysis and treatability assessment, free of charge!

boron doped diamond electrode

Boron doped diamond electorde has wide potential window, low background current, unparalleled biocompatibility, unmatched physical and mechanical stability, these features make BDD electrode an ideal electrode material for a vast variety of applications.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Here at Boromond, we mainly focus on the practical application of boron doped diamond electrode in electrochemical oxidation treatment of wastewater, as boron doped diamond electrode is emitting better performance than regular electrodes, in extreme potentials and harsh environments, not to mention capability to generate reactive oxygen species, mainly hydroxyl radicals, enhanced direct and indirect oxidation and eventually complete mineralization of organic pollutants. 

Explore Trial Scale Up To Pilot Scale Electrochemical Oxidation Wastewater Treatment Products

We optimize electrochemical properties of boron doped diamond electrodes by adjusting surface termination, and surface orientation, boron doping level during the synthesis, growth and post-growth processes, 

 Explore features, plus properties, and application ranges of our electrochemical reactor, one of the major electrochemical cells integrated with boron doped diamond electrode stacks, and find out why it fit various applications, epsecially water treatment.

Advanced oxidation modules for lab and trial scale electro oxidation water treatment, conduct on-site treatment testing with water samples, analyze, process, and make your own decision.

Advanced oxidation pilot modules are collections of wastewater treatment equipments and systems ready to be deployed to conduct electro oxidation water treatment to pilot scale.

Applications Of Boron Doped Diamond Electrode In Projects & Wastewater Treatment Case Studies

We did not stop there as a manufacturer and supplier of boron doped diamond electrode, we design and develop eletro oxidation wastewater treatment products with boron doped diamond electrodes as core components, and then we conducted laboratory testing of boron doped diamond electrodes over water samples collected from different sectors and businesses, for instance, petrochemical, pharmaceuticals, Lithium-ion battery manufacturing and recycling, munical, food processing and etc, and then treatability assessment, bench/pilot scale testing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Wastewater and water treatment plants and industrial facilities across businesses and sectors such as special chemical manufacturing, petrochemical, pulp & paper, lithium-ion battery manufacturing & recylcing, pharmaceuticals, and those who need to treat their industrial effluents or organic wastewater with high concentration of organic pollutants. Explore the data and information such as organic pollutant removal efficiency, treatment method hybrid, and exact electro oxidation wastewater treatment products we utilized in our previous projects electrochemical oxidation treatmet of complex wastewater and industrial effluents:

pharmaceutical industry wastewater

Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment, And How AOP Remove COD, BOD etc

waste leachate concerntrate

Eliminate Organic Pollutants And Complex Matters In Urban And Municipal Effluents.

coal chemical industry

Explore Case Studies  From Petrochemical Industry

waste water treatment

Find Out How To Treat Food Processing Wastewater with High COD,BOD and SS.

pesticide waste water treatment

Click To Explore Projects About Special Chemical Wastewater Treatment.

mining industry wastewater treatment

How AOP Degrade Organic Pollutants from Textile Industry Effluents.

Free Industrial Wastewater Consultation From Wastewater Treatment Experts

At the forefront of water treatment technology, Boromond's industrial water treatment solutions harness proprietary electrochemical oxidation techniques based on application of boron doped diamond electrode (bdd electrode). Our commitment extends to delivering resilient and highly efficient solutions for the removal of organic contaminants from water sources. Whether it's tackling perilous micropollutants such as APIs and pesticides, or addressing the persistent COD (chemical oxygen demand) and troublesome coloration, we've got you covered.

Unprecedented reduction of persistent organic chemicals to trace levels
Eliminates the need for chemical dosage to ensure effective operation
User-friendly operation with zero moving components—power on and off as needed

Feel free to contact boromond technical support to discuss tests and applications of boron doped diamond electrode/electrochemical oxidation technology with our wastewater treatment experts, and we offer water profile analysis and treatability assessment, free of charge!
