Advanced Oxidation Treatment of Wastewater from Oil and Gas Industry
Challenges and Solutions
Advanced Oxidation Processes Application & Solution Petroleum Industry Wastewater Treatment
Petrochemical Wastewater Treatment Case Study
With years of experience with research and development of advanced oxidation treatment electrode materials, electrolysis cells, electro oxidation water treatment unit, and later electro oxidation wastewater treatment system, component development, thorough analysis over treatment capacity, influent characteristics, flow measurement and control, operation management and adjustments, we bring opportunities to implement advanced oxidation processes technology at full scale, with treatment efficiency energy consumption, and comprehensive performance stability, regulation compliance in mind, all the time.
Click the case studies relevant to implements of advanced oxidation processes technologies within petrochemical, oil and gas industry, to explore datas and information from our previous projects, and we will present more on-site data from up-coming projects.
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