BDD Electrode Plate

Boromond supplies high quality boron doped diamond BDD electrodes on silicon and niobium substrates, BDD electrode is a new generation of electrode material with unmatched electrochemical properties such as wider potential window, lower bacground current, enhanced resistance to corrosion and less chance of fouling than conventional electrodes. Check our optimal BDD electrode size chart for the next gen electrode material available at different sizes, substrates and shapes.

Product Description:

Introducing BDD Electrode

In this content, we mainly introduce BDD electrode, synthesis/fabrication processes, major properties, characteristics and specifications, advantages, and typical applications of this excellent electrode material, followed by electrochemical oxidation wastewater treatment solutions and further development.

BDD Electrode Fabrication

Schematic diagram of chemical vapor deposition for boron-doped diamond bdd electrode fabrication

BDD electrode could be fabricated on a vast variety of substrates through innovative chemical vapor deposition (CVD) techniques. We prepare silicon or niobium plates as substrates, and then immerse the substrates in diamond seed solution prior to boron doping process, place the subtrates within the CVD furnace, where the doping boron source, mainly diborane (B2H6) mixed with hydrogen and methane gas. Controlling parameters such as pressure, gas flow rates, and temerature are critical when it comes to achieve the desired boron doping level, nucleation and different phases of the whole growth stages. We conduct the whole electrode fabrication processes in our synthesis department of the integrated lab.

Major Electrochemical Properties of BDD Electrode

BDD electrode exhibits significantly stability in both aqueous and non-aqueous solutions, it’s highly resistant to chemical and corrosions, which means there will be way less chance of fouling compared to conventional electrode materials, mechanical stability ensure its reliability in consistent operation in harsh environments for diverse applications. Withunique electrochemical properties such as wide potential window, low background current, and stability we mentioned above, and unparalleled electrochemical capability to generate oxidizing agents with strong oxidation power, these oxidizing agents take the electro oxidation efficiency to another level. These properties make it an electrode material for electrochemical applications.

BDD Electrode Specification And Characteristics

Substrate: Monocrystalline Silicon or Polycrystalline Silicon                                                                                                                                                                            Electrode Shape: rectangle,square, mesh, disc, custom                                                                                                                                                                                  External Size: Custom, specific up to 500*300 mm                                                                                                                                                                                      Thickness Tolerance: ±0.05mm                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CVD System: Hot filament chemical vapor deposition system                                                                                                                                                                      Film Thickness: 10-20 um                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Grain Size:< 2um                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Film Structure: Micro Crystalline                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Edges: Laser Cut                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Electrochemical Characterization:                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Boron concentration (typical): 5000-6000 ppm                                                                                                                                                                                            Bulk resistivity(Rv): 10-1000mΩ·cm                                                                                                                                                                                                              Solvent window: >2.7V                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Oxygen evolution potential(V): ≦2.75                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hydrogen evolution potential(V): ≧-1.2                                                                                                                                                                                                      Potential Window (V): ≦3.85                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mechanical Characterization:                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Nucleation side fracture stress: 500  MPa                                                                                                                                                                                                          Growth side fracture stress: 500 MPa                                                                                                                                                                                                              Young’s modulus: 450 Gpa                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Roughness(Ra): 10 nm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Thermal conductivity: 800 W/m/K

Explore Four Major Features of BDD Electrode

Wider Potential Window

BDD anodes are with the widest potential window amongsts the known electrode materials, the feature allows for constant oxidation of a wide range of organic compounds at high potentials without significant oxygen evolution.

High Stability

Thanks to the non-metal substrates, Sp3/Sp2 structures, and modified surface area, Boron-doped diamond BDD electrodes are resistant to corrosion, and way lesser chance of fouling in harsh environmental conditions than conventional catalyst electrode materials, which make it ready for long term operation in water from different kind of sources and sectors.

Bulk Generation of hydroxyl radicals

Hydroxyl radicals are the major oxidants generated on the surface of BDD anodes, hydroxyl radicals are the most active reactive oxygen species, and second most active oxidizing agents available in the whole world, given its highly reactive and non-selective oxidation nature, hydroxy radicals are efficient in total mineralization of organic pollutants.

Versatile Organic Pollutant Removal Efficiency

BDD electrode have the widest electrochemical potential window, it could place much higher potential window between cathode and anode, which lead to higher overpotential for oxygen evolution, and eventually increase efficiency of electrochemical generation of hydroxyl radicals and other oxidizing agents.

With an oxidizing agent with second highest electrochemical oxidation pontential, Hydroxyl radicals accomplish rapid and complete oxidation of refractory organic pollutants, transform them into carbon dioxide and water. Organics and nitrogenous compounds are efficiently removed through electrochemical oxidation process.

Explore Major Advantages Of BDD Electrode Over Convetional Electrode Materials

After Hot-Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD) fabrication processes, we check on performances of these electrodes within our integrated lab, and optimize boron doping level, enhance electrode surface area, and crab the crystal orientation and grain sizes of the boron doped diamond electrode for better implements in electrochemical applications, espeically electro oxidation wastewater treatment applications.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Our BDD electrode has oxygen evolution potential less than 2.75v, hydrogen evolution potential over -1.2v, and potential window approaching 3.85v. This team sorted out different types of data and information collected from experiments and projects, and we utilize those information to demonstrate several advantages of boron-doped diamond electrodes.

Charts below are comparisons over potetial ranges and background current of BDD anodes with major electrode materials.

Unmatched Organic Pollutant Degradation Efficiency, Comparison Of BDD And Conventional Electrodes

As we mentioned within the feature section, boron-doped diamond electrodes are with unmatched efficiency when it comes to degradation of a wide range of organic compounds, these three charts below demonstrated comparison of BDD electrodes against platinum electrode in color removal, BDD anodes vs DSA/MMO (mixed metal oxide) electrodes over COD degradation, comparison between BDD anodes vs PbO2 (lead dioxide) electrode in COD and color removal, followed by energy consumption in color removal.

BDD vs Pt electrode
BDD electrode vs Pt electrode
BDD vs DSA electrode
BDD electrode vs DSA electrode
BDD vs PbO2 electrode
BDD electrode vs PbO2 electrode

Notes About BDD Electrode for Electrochemical Application

Known for its conductive nature and remarkable electrochemical properties, BDD electrode redefines performance and application ranges of electrode materials. Applications of this electrode material ranges from wastewater treatment to water disinfection, electrochemical analysis, electrochemical surface modification, electrochemical detection.

Amongst a vast range of applications, water treatment is the most promising one as these electrode materials are implemented to treatment various types of bio-refractory waste streams, and complex industrial effluents for a long time, thanks to the high oxygen evolution potential, low background current, and robust nature.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Water disinfection is a critical application of boron doped diamond electrode as it has higher overpotential for oxygen and hydrogen evolutions, which expedite electrochemical ozone production through water electrolysis. Ozone is one of the most powerful oxidizing agents, disinfection could be done in an eco-friendly manner as there will be no addition of chemicals, and no harmful chemical left. Boromond team have developed BDD Ozone generator, for application in food sanitization, home appliances, and swimming pool & spa disinfection.

Boron-doped diamond electrode has much larger potential window means there will be no significant undesired side reactions happen on the surface of boron doped diamond electrode once electrical potential applied, lower background current expedites electron transfer rate, enhances sensitivity, and improve detection reliability.

How Do BDD Electrodes Work? Mechanism Of Electro Oxidation Wastewater Treatment Processes 

In this section, we discuss about the machanism and oxidation processes of BDD anode to degrade recalcitrant organic compounds in complex wastewater. And why BDD electrode are chosen to be the anode material within our electrode assembly, electrochemical oxidation reactors, electro oxidation modular units, and electro oxidation wastewater treatment equipment for commercial scale electrochemical oxidation treatment of wastewater.

electrochemical oxidation wastewater treatment processes mechanism on boron doped diamond bdd electrode

Adopted as anodes within the electrochemical cells, organic pollutants in water are then adsorbed and then oxidized and mineralized at the surface of BDD electrodes via direct electron transfers between the organic compounds and the anode surface once a positive potential applied, the whole process is called direct oxidation.

Indirect oxidation invloves the oxidation processes when a positive potential is applied to the BDD anode, water molecules are oxidized to formation of different reactive oxygen species on the surface of the anode, hydroxyl radicals (•OH) is one of the most active oxidizing agents amongst the reactive oxygen species, hydroxyl radicals oxidize organic pollutants in several pathways, and initialize serial chain reactions to oxidation, and eventually mineralization of these organic compounds.


Best anode material

BDD electrode got extremely high oxygen evolution potential and the widest electrochemical window amongst all electrodes.



Superb removal efficiency over organic pollutant, resistant to acid and alkali, less chance of fouling, easy to operate and maintenance.



BDD electrodes are optimized to expedite generation of hydroxyl radicals in bulk, which means mineralize organic compounds instead of oxygen evolution.

BDD Electrodes for Electrochemical Oxidation Treatment of Wastewater

BDD electrodes, especially when act as anodes, they generate huge amount of powerful oxidizing agents, for instance hydroxyl radicals, can remove a wide range of organic compounds, including long chain and short chain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS), alcohols, total organic carbon(TOC), aldehydes, total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), aromatics, total nitrogen, heavy metal ions, amines, active pharmaceutical intermediates, Chemical oxygen demand (COD), BTEX, phenols, pesticides, coloration, dioxins, PCBs, synthetic dyes, micropollutants and etc, from waste streams, these reclatriant organic pollutants are presistant to conventional biological and regular advanced oxidation processes (AOPs).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Explore how BDD electrode work as the core component in electro oxidation treatment of complex wastewater, especially waste streams with high concentration level of organic pollutants. 

In this section, we discuss about the application of boron-doped diamond electrode in application of electrochemical oxidation wastewater treatment, as we mentioned earlier within this page, boron-doped diamond electrode is chemically inert, physically and mechanically stable, less chance of fouling, and resistant to corrosion and harshment environment, make it a promising electrode material for a vast variety range of applications in electro oxidation of those complex wastewater, with high concentration level of organic pollutants.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The degradation efficiency and removal rate of organic pollutants are impacted by electrochemical generation of oxidants, for instance, hydroxyl radicals and other reactive oxygen species, here at Boromond, we use appropriate boron dopping level, combined with proper surface termination, to create hydro-terminated surface with the BDD anode, make it more conductive and hydrophilic to expdited hydroxyl radical generation and electron transfer reactions processes, optimized surface orientation to enhance water molecules adsorptions. We alway encourage people to customize BDD electrodes to fit their own experimental and application needs, let’s bring wastewater treatment and environmental remediation to the next level..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Check the charts below to find out the degradation and removal efficiency of BDD electrode toward refractory organic compounds originated from different sectors and businesses.

Dyes and pigments, such as methyl orange, come mainly from printing and dyeing factories
Dyes and pigments, such as methyl orange, come mainly from printing and dyeing factories
Phenols and their derivatives, such as phenol, mainly come from petrochemical enterprises
Phenols and their derivatives, including phenol itself, primarily originate from petrochemical enterprises.
Pharmaceutical intermediates, such as 17β-estradiol, are mainly from pharmaceutical and chemical enterprises
Pharmaceutical intermediates, such as 17β-estradiol, are primarily sourced from pharmaceutical and chemical enterprises.
Herbicides and insecticides, such as chlorsulfuron, come mainly from pesticide manufacturers
Herbicides and insecticides, such as chlorsulfuron, come mainly from pesticide manufacturers
Phenols and their derivatives, such as phenol, mainly come from petrochemical enterprises
Phenols and their derivatives, including phenol itself, primarily originate from petrochemical enterprises.
Surfactants, such as wash water, etc
Pharmaceutical intermediates, such as 17β-estradiol, are mainly from pharmaceutical and chemical enterprises

Frequently Asked Questions About BDD Electrode

what is a bdd electrode?

BDD electrode stands for Boron-doped diamond electrode or diamond electrode, it’s an electrode material doped with boron atoms to increase the conductiviry, known for its wider potential window, lower background current, and higher durability than traditional electrode materials, making it suitable for a vast variety of applications.

what is the composition of bdd electrode?

A BDD electrode is primarily composed of a diamond lattice structure with carbon atoms are boron atoms to create its initial conductivity, and the substrate base for the BDD layers are usually silicon, niobium with Boromond

what is the potential of bdd electrode?

BDD electrode has a potential range from some -1.3V to +2.48V in aqueous solutions according previous experimental data, which makes it the largest potential window amongst all known electrode materials, which makes it ideal for some constant operation under different voltages, allows better electrochemical reactions.

what is the consumption rate of bdd electrode?

The consumption rate of BDD electrode is way lower than conventional electrode materials for it’s highly durable, resistant to corrosion and minimal wear, making it an ideal electrode option for long term operation in harsh environment, and the exact consumption rate can be vary when it comes to exact operating conditions such as current density, temperature electrolyte/solution composition, and etc,.

Contact Us If You Have Further Questions Or Doubts About BDD Electrode

What is more, if you are interested in investigating electro oxidation treatment of wastewater utilizing BDD electrode for your specific wastewater treatment applications, especially those complex organic wastewater, share us your water profiles including COD, BOD coloration, TOC, TN, and etc, to get a free wastewater analysis, we will offer all the information you need before investing in electro oxidation wastewater treatment products, not just fundamental electrode materials like this electrode.

Explore Our BDD Electrode Solutions

BDD Electro Customization

Custom your own boron-doped diamond BDD electrode to fit your specific experimental and application needs.

Electrochemical Cell Prototyping

We can design electrochemical cells, electrochemical reactors for different purposes.

Water Profile Analysis

Fill out the form to get free water profile analysis prior to final wastewater treatment product and solution recommendation.

Wastewater Treatment Products

Electro oxidation wastewater treatment products ready to added seamlessly into already operation wastewater treatment plant.

Electro Oxidation Solution

We are already prepared to offer solutions and support to tackle the challenges with complex wastewater.

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