Why BDD boron doped diamond electrode For electrolysis of wastewater
About BDD Electrolysis
BDD electrolysis or boron doped diamond electrode electrolysis of wastewater, BDD electrode wastewater electrolysis, is an electrochemical reaction that employs a BDD electrode as the anode, possesses considerable importance. To fully grasp the intricacies of BDD electrolysis technology, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the complexities associated with BDD electrodes, we explain the mechanism of BDD electrolysis/electro oxidation, main features and advantages of boron doped diamond BDD electrode, and application ranges of this excellent electrode material.

When diamond is doped with boron, its physicochemical properties undergo significant changes. Research indicates that boron doping enhances the electrical conductivity of diamond and reduces the resistivity of boron doped diamond electrode film to a range of 0.01~100 Ω-cm. This facilitates swift electron migration during electrochemical reactions. Boron doped diamond electrode exhibits wide electrochemical window, high electrooxidation capability, low background current, and excellent chemical stability, making it an ideal electrode material.

Boromond utilizes its proprietary chemical vapor deposition (CVD) equipments to coat substrates with boron-doped diamond (BDD) films. This process involves the use of boron and mixed gases (mainly hydrogen and methane) as the primary raw materials, which are subjected to high-temperature dissociation within a low-pressure furnace. The resulting carbon and boron atoms are then deposited onto the substrate surface, enabling efficient mass production of BDD coatings.
How Do BDD Electrode Work? Explore Mechanism Of Electro Oxidation Wastewater Treatment Processes via BDD Electrolysis
After we understand basic concept about boron doped diamond electrode electrolysis of wastewater, and fabrication processes of bdd electrode, in this section, we discuss about the machanism, that is direct and indirect oxidation processes of BDD anode to mineralize various types of recalcitrant organic compounds in complex wastewater. And why we choose boron doped diamond BDD electrode as the anode material for electrochemical oxidation reactors, electro oxidation modular units, and electro oxidation wastewater treatment equipment for trial, bench and then commercial scale electrochemical oxidation treatment of wastewater.
Direct And Indirect Oxidation Processes for Treatment Of Wastewater Via BDD Electrolysis

Introduced in 1970, electrochemical oxidation technology has gained significant attention in wastewater treatment and disinfection due to its environmentally friendly and efficient characteristics. When coupled with flocculation, biochemistry, membrane treatment, and other technologies, it offers remarkable advantages and promising prospects for complete removal and mineralization of reclatriant organic compounds from wastewater.
Utilizing BDD as the electrode anode material, electrochemical oxidation technology can effectively degrade organic compounds through direct and indirect oxidation processes. Direct oxidation involves the removal of organic matter by adsorbing organic pollutants onto the anode surface through electron transfer. This process can further be categorized into electrochemical conversion and electrochemical combustion based on the degree of oxidation.

Indirect oxidation with a boron doped diamond BDD electrode is a process that uses the electrode to generate oxidants that break down organic compounds, it involves the removal of organic pollutants by generating oxidants like highly active oxidizing agents susch as hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide, and other reactive species on the anode surface and then the surrounding areas. These oxidants can mineralize organic compounds into different types of intermediates, and eventually break them into water and inorganic matters.
Indirect oxidation processes is one of the major mechanisms with electro oxidation treatment of wastewater, and it’s critical for treatment of different types of complex wastewater and disinfection of water, therefore it’s critical to choose an electrode material that is physically and chemically stable, resistant to corrosion, endure constant operation in different current densities, voltages and various types of electrolyte, less chance of fouling.

Water Molecule Oxidation And Reduction Within The BDD Electorlysis Processes, The Reactions
Water, being a polar molecule, exhibits a positive and negative end. During the process of water electrolysis, the positively charged hydrogen atoms are attracted to the negatively charged electrode (cathode), while the negatively charged oxygen atom is drawn towards the positively charged electrode (anode). As a result, the water molecules dissociate into their respective ions: hydrogen ions (H+) at the cathode and hydroxide ions (OH-) at the anode.
The water electrolysis process can be summarized by the following half-reactions:
At the cathode: 2H+ + 2e- -> H2 (hydrogen gas)
At the anode: O2 + 2H2O + 4e- -> 4OH- (oxygen gas)

OH hydroxyl radicals are recognized as one of the most potent oxidants in existence, which is also the main oxidants in BDD electrolysis processes
With unmatched oxidation power, boron doped diamond BDD electrode can maximum electrochemial genereation of reactive oxygen species such as hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide and etc., with the second highest electrochemical oxidation potential, hydroxyl radicals can mineralize a wide range of reclatriant organic compounds in a non-selective nature, those organic pollutants could be mineralized into different intermediates via four pathways, and eventually mineralized into carbon dioxide, water and inorganic matters, the minralization processes could be optimized with proper pH value, electrode surface area, and current density, temperature, electrochemical reactor cell design, pollutant concentration, conductivity and etc,.
Why Choose BDD Electrode? Explore Advantages Of Boron Doped Diamond BDD Electrode
The electrochemical oxidation reaction, and further degradation, and eventually complete mineralization of organic pollutants within the electro oxidation wastewater treatment proceses occurs at the surface of the anodic electrode materials, and interface between the electrode and solution simultaneously. The choice of electrode anode material directly impacts the efficiency and selectivity of the organic mineralization process. Therefore, development of anode materials that can economically and efficiently degrade organic compounds from complex wastewater has been a significant area of research, practical implements of basic electrode material, and potential of commercial level applications in the field of electrochemical oxidation wastewater treatment.
And now, in this specific section, we are going to explore the major advantages of boron doped diamond BDD electrode, and find out how BDD electrolysis of complex wastewater tackle the challenges with different businesses and industries. Stable and durable: Demonstrated prime electrical conductivity, boron doped diamond BDD electrode with niobium and silicon substrates provides unmatched potential for surface modification, resistant to corrosion, acid and alkali solution, and have a low chance of fouling
, extended lifespan makes it an ideal anodic material for consistent performance in harsh environment, especially implement within the electro oxidation treatment of complex wastewater via BDD electrolysis mechanism.
Flexible and ready to custom: Boron doped diamond BDD electrodes are adjustable with different substrates, boron doping level, surface modifications, and other post-fabrication treatments for optimal performance to meet requirements of applications at various scales and levels, remove specific or target organic pollutants. No wastewater is the same, compositions of different waste streams, especially industrial effluents alter mainly on their sources, manufacturing activities and processes involved, and the concentration level of organic pollutants, boron doped diamond BDD electrode has way higher oxygen evolution overpotential, therefore better oxidation power than conventional electrode materials, make it an ideal electrode material for reclatriant organic compounds degradation and eventually complete mineralization, check the oxidation capability section to find out why we use combination of boron doped diamond BDD electrode as anode, and titanium electrodes as cathodes.
The chart below clearly demonstrates that the boron doped diamond BDD electrode possesses an exceptionally high potential and the widest electrochemical window. These characteristics make bdd electrode an ideal choice as an anode material for the effective electrochemical oxidation treatment of refractory biodegradable organic wastewater.

Under identical conditions, BDD electrode exhibits significantly superior removal efficiency, oxidation power, and lower energy consumption in organic matter mineralization proceseses while compared to conventional anode materials.

Boron doped diamond BDD electrode has higher oxidation power.
Since oxidants such as hydroxyl radicals, hydrogen peroxide and etc, are amongst those oxidants that are critical for indirect oxidation processes, it’s critical to expedite electrochemical generation of hydroxyl radicals over oxygen gas, therefore it’s immportant to choose electrode material with larger active surface area, catalytic capability to generate hydroxyl radicals, and enhancing operation parameters such as pH value, and current density, and etc to expedite electrochemical generation of hydroxyl radicals over evolution of oxygen gas, boron doped diamond electrode is selected to expedite hydroxyl radical generation in electro oxidation wastewater treatment processes.
Explore More About The Boron-Doped Diamond Solution That Boromond Offer To Advance Your Technology Develpment Now
Extensive studies have demonstrated the remarkable capability of BDD electrodes to effectively degrade various types of organic pollutants found in wastewater.
Check the charts and infographic below to explore treatment results with an engineering insights, implement of boron doped diamond BDD electrode, and then electro oxidation wastewater treatment products, to treat complex wastewater from industries and businesses such as pharmaceutical, pesticide, special chemical manufacturing, petrochemical, printing and dyeing, paper making, leather, food processing, landfill leachate, and other sectors dealing with complex organic wastewater that is refractory to conventional wastewater treatment methods.
Charts and graphics within this section mainly covers: COD value over time toward phenols and derivatives from the petrochemical industry, one of the main sources of reclatriant organic pollutants within the oil and gas sectors, followed by a brief comparison between BDD electrode and PbO2 electrode (lead dioxide) toward COD removal rates, different current, which offer a brief concept about one of the major advantages of BDD electrolysis when it comes to refractory organic compounds like phenols, that is the oxidation capability.
TOC (Total Organic Carbon) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) removal rate toward active pharmaceutical intermediates (API) mainly orginate from pharmacetical manufacturing facilities, this chart indicate that direct oxidation and indirect oxidation via reactive oxygen species such as hydroxyl radicals and etc can mineralize major organic pollutants, like active pharmaceutical intermediates, therefore people can reuse the treated water after implified BDD electrolysis for different purposes.

Specific Applications of Boron Doped Diamond BDD Electrode In Wastewater Treatment Based On BDD Electrolysis Mechanism & Electro Oxidation Processes
We conduct on-site treatability testing according to the degradation results and analysis of different types of water, and tell if electro oxidation wastewater treatment technology based on BDD electrolysis mechanisms fitable for specific industry and businesses.
Organic pollutant mineralization and industrial wastewater treatment: BDD electrolysis via BDD electrode can be utilized to removing organic pollutants such as: pesticides through electro oxidation, leveraging the generated ROS to degrade these compounds.
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products: Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones, detergents, surfactants.
Pesticides and agrochemicals: Organophosphates, carbamates, triazines
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Dyes, special chemicals
Refractory industrial chemicals such as Phenols, chlorophenols, aromatic amines. Via electro oxidation, Break down organic polluants into simpler, non-toxic molecules for further mineralization.
Color removal
Water disinfectin
Treat municipal wastewater, hospital wastewater, groundwater, and more.
BDD electrodes can be used in microfluidic reactors to reduce energy consumption and avoid the addition of supporting electrolytes. It is found that the following types of wastewater can be pretreated in the early stage to reduce toxicity and improve biodegradability or degraded directly to the standard by further treatment in the later stage:
Applicable to all kinds of wastewater with strong acid pH=0 or strong base pH=14 (except fluoride ion)
The higher the salt content, the higher the conductivity and the lower the energy consumption
High concentration + high salinity wastewater (concentrate after membrane, RO concentrate after MVR)
Toxic wastewater containing CN-, NaN3, organophosphorus, organic sulfur, etc
Industrial effluent and waste streams defined as hazardous wastewater
The national discharge standard/end water production improvement is not stable for final stabilization and standard treatment.
Based on its unique advantages, BDD electrode can be used as a key link in the whole environmental process, oxidation decomposition of refractory organic matter in wastewater, combined with evaporation, membrane filtration, biochemistry, and other electrochemical technology, Finally, stable, efficient, cost-effective way to achieve long-term stable emission standard effect.
BDD Electrode Products
An ideal anode material for electrochemical oxidation treatment of difficult biodegradable organic wastewater. Boromond leverages high quality BDD electrodes as the basic component to develop trial scale electrochemical cells to conduct treatability testing of electro oxidation wastewater treatment technology over various wastewater from different businesses and industries via BDD electrolysis mechanisms, and then standardized modules for on-site bench scale treatment of wastewater, up to pilot scale electro oxidation wastewater treatment equipments and systems.
Character of low resistance, good thermal diffusivity, higer Oxidating temperature and excellent character of semiconductor
An ideal anode material for electrochemical oxidation treatment of difficult biodegradable organic wastewater
BDD engineer project equipment designed based on the water sample and the site environment.
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