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Integrated Lab For Electrode Fabrication, Advanced Oxidation Experiments, And Beyond
Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode Fabrication In Integrated Lab
Boron-doped diamond BDD electrodes are synthesised/fabricated via Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD) technology. Boromond have over 50 sets of chemical vapor desposition machine and post-CVD processing machineries in the sysnthesis department of our integrated lab.

The fabrication processes cover several steps in our synthesis department of our integrated lab:
We prepare silicon or niobium plates as substrates, and then immerse the substrates in diamond seed solution prior to boron doping process.
And then we place the subtrates within the CVD furnace, where the doping boron source, mainly diborane (B2H6) mixed with hydrogen and methane gas. Controlling major parameters such as pressure, gas flow rates, and temerature are critical when it comes to achieve the desired boron doping level, nucleation and different phases of the whole growth stages.
Boron Doped Diamond Electrode Performance Testing In Integrated Lab
Further fabrication such as polishing, etching, laser cutting are conducted after the growth fabrication processes we mentioned within the previous section, the sore purposes are to ensure that we will deliver boron-doped diamond electrodes with solid performances and premium quality.

After Hot-Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD) fabrication processes, we check on performances of the boron doped diamond electrodes within our integrated lab, and optimize boron doping level, enhance electrode surface area, and crab the crystal orientation and grain sizes of the boron doped diamond electrode for better implements in electrochemical applications, espeically electro oxidation wastewater treatment applications. Our boron doped diamond electrode has oxygen evolution potential less than 2.75v, hydrogen evolution potential over -1.2v, and potential Window approaching 3.85v.
Boron Doped Diamond Electrode Application Testing In Integrated Lab
Here at the integrated lab, we focus on practical applications of boron doped diamond electrodes, there are multiple application ranges for boron doped diamond electrodes, our main aspect is application of boron-doped diamond electrodes for wastewater treatment.

Boron-doped diamond electorde is an electrode material with different features and properties that makes it the idal electrode material for a vast variety of applications. Boron-doped diamond BDD electrodes have wider electrolytic window, lower background currents, and way better performance in extreme potentials and environments than conventional electrodes adopted for electrochemical wastewater treatment, not to mention its unmatched biocompatiblity and mechanical robust, less chance of surface fouling. We optimize electrochemical properties of boron doped diamond electrodes by adjusting surface termination, and surface orientation, boron doping level during the synthesis, growth and post-growth processes, to conduct laboratory testing of boron doped diamond electrodes over water samples we collected from different sectors and businesses, for instance, petrochemical, agrochemical, pharmaceuticals, Lithium-ion battery manufacturing and recycling, munical, food processing and etc,.
Explore More About Electrochemical Wastewater Treatment via Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode Electrolysis
Wastewater Treatment Products Development In Our Integrated Lab
Based on almost 2 years of experiments and testing on our boron doped diamond electrodes, we start our electro oxidation wastewater treatment product development processes in our integrated lab. With deep comprehension of main factors affect the advanced oxidation processes, treatment effciency, pollutant removal rate, such as pH value, electrode surface area, concentration level, retention time, and then flow rate fluctuation, we managed to develop integrated electrode assembly with boron doped diamond BDD anodes and titanium cathodes, and trial module, bench scale modular units, wastewater treatment equipment, and EO wastewater treatment systems.

Our electro oxidation wastewater treatment products are designed to: Mineralize reclatriant organic pollutants such as:
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products: Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones, detergents, surfactants.
Pesticides and agrochemicals: Organophosphates, carbamates, triazines
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Dyes, special chemicals, and refractory industrial chemicals such as Phenols, chlorophenols, aromatic amines. Treatment of wastewater with high COD concentration: Effectively reducing chemical oxygen demand (COD) in industrial effluents
Mineralization of organic pollutants: Break down organic polluants into simpler, non-toxic molecules for further mineralization. Enhance biodegradability of complex wastewater for further treatment.
Interested In Experiment And Application?
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